Soma's been helping out at his family's restaurant since he was old enough to hold a knife, but his dad has decided it's time for Soma to go to culinary school. The school his dad has chosen is infamous. It has a 10% graduation rate, and the entrance examiner is so terrifying that most people back out before they've even started. Soma's ignorant of all this, however, and he aces the entrance exam while simultaneously infuriating the examiner, who refuses to pass him. Soma only gets in because the dean of the school overrides the examiner. Unfortunately for Soma, the examiner happens to be the top student in the school, and she's declared war on Soma. And in this school, losing a battle in the kitchen means expulsion.
Who knew cooking could be so exciting? Cook-offs full of whirling spatulas and knives are interspersed with over-the-top humour, and the story whips along. Make sure you have snacks on hand while reading this series, as the illustrations of food are guaranteed to make you hungry. Recipes for some of the dishes are included, and although readers might have a hard time finding some of the ingredients, the instructions are unintimidating.
The publisher rates the series as T+ for older teens, as there is plenty of nudity, pushing this firmly into the ecchi category. In addition to a student who likes to go naked except for an apron, at least once a chapter someone eats a dish so sublime that they find themselves naked, naughty bits strategically covered by ingredients, an orgasmic expression on their face. It's not always the buxom girl this happens to, either. In one scene, a scrawny, old monk rips off his clothes.
Suggest to teens looking for action, humour, or plenty of battle scenes.